Friday, December 4, 2009

Yehey... It's Snowing!

It doesn't snow all the time in Alabama so every time it snows, I get excited. Tonight it snow and Andrea and I went outside to feel the snow flakes freely falling. Andrea stick her hand to feel the snow flakes and she enjoyed looking at my hair with snowflakes in it. She doesn't want to back inside but she has to we were not dressed properly for cold weather and besides she was not feeling good today.

I wish it will continue snowing that way when we wake up tomorrow we can see snow in the ground... I don't think it will though.... but hey... I can always wish...


Chubskulit Rose said...

hehehehe i don't like cold weather but i like snow too.. di pa nagsnow since we came back here, last month nagsnow na daw dito sabi ni FIL..

shydub said...

Here to mami lulu its snowing as in, tugnaw aju, but i like watching the snow.

Ms. Journ said...

Oh boy. Lookign forward jud ko aning snow mi...heheheh

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