Saturday, May 29, 2010

Aging Beautifully....

I was looking at the mirror when I found out that I got baggy eyes. I was horrified! I look like "the other me". Oh my! I am getting old! I know that aging is inevitable but I was thinking, isn't it too early for me to think that I am getting old?

I know that lifestyle can affect aging. I need to take more care of myself. I need to do something to prolong my aging process. I may sound paranoid but who would want to look old? Not me for sure! Anyway, I am ready to get old but not to look old thus I will be using wrinkle removers when I need to. I surely want to age beautifully!


kat said...

yeah, korak..needs a proper care jud aron dili dali matigulang waaaa hahaah...

next nahong comment kay tua nako sa among baryo hahaha...uli mi ugma...

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