Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shopping Day

We were out shopping today. Oh, I love summer fashion as most clothes are in vibrant colors. Since we will be away for a vacation at the end of the month, we bought a couple of new outfit for Andrea. We also bought some shoes.

I usually don't shop for myself at the store anymore since I usually just shop online. Today, I needed to buy myself some swimsuit cover-ups since we plan on going to the beach. I now find it hard to shop for some sexy outfits since I gained weight. Whenever I found a sexy outfit that I wish I can wear, I keep on reminding myself that it is time to get rid of belly fat. I surely would love to wear something sexy in the beach but I no longer have the sexy body and flat abs to show off. Anyway, my excess weight doesn't affect my excitement to go to the beach and enjoy it with my family.

We had a very busy shopping day today. Thanks Mom for bringing us out shopping.


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