Monday, June 21, 2010

Suite Life on Deck on Disney Channel

Guest blog from Anna Marsh

Disney Channel has some incredible television viewing experiences for children but as an adult I can truly appreciate having a television station that when my kids turn on satellite tv service and are sitting watching the Disney Channel I know that they are watching television programming that is age appropriate and that is good clean fun. Many times I even enjoy watching the program Suite Life on Deck and other Disney specials with my kids. I personally feel that they are funny and since they are clean television viewing they are appropriate for all ages and that is really important to me.

I find that many other television stations I need to block because many times the content is either too violent or the language is too dirty for the children and sometimes even for me. Suite Life on Deck if you haven't seen it has the twin boys Zach and Cody and they are on a ship with a character called London Tipton. She is hilarious and just adds to antics of the already funny team that came from the show Suite Life of Zach and Cody which was kind of the prequel to this series. The series offers up kids humor that makes for many laughs and comedy that addresses kids issues in the adult world. Having these two boys who are polar opposites creates for some additional humor and their mom is quite a character herself. Overall tons of laughs and a great show to watch with the kids.


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