Thursday, September 16, 2010

Visiting Florida

I am excited for our Florida vacation early next year. We will be attending the wedding of Dave's niece. If we decide to fly rather than drive, which is more convenient, we will surely need a tampa car rental while we are there.

We are still undecided if we have to fly or drive. Flying will be a little costly but we are not sure if Andrea is ready for over 8 hours road trip. Though she has traveled by road for some long trips like when we went to Mobile, I still think that it will be hard for her to be seating in a car seat driving from Alabama to Florida.

Our decision will be based on how much money we can save for that said trip. I hope we can save more than enough that way we can have fun while in Florida too.


tibet tour said...

The visit to Florida is excellent. Learn all about it from the post

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