Thursday, August 11, 2011

14 years....

We were good friends in college. Our paths went in different ways because we were young and we both seek greener pastures. I have been looking for her and so does she. We lost touch after we graduated college and that was 1997. Yes that was long time ago! 14 years but still we remain friends in our hearts. Our memories were enough to last us a long time.

I am glad she found me in Facebook. We are communicating again. What a great timing as we reconnected few days before her birthday.

To my good friend, Susan, happy birthday! I am happy to keep in touch with you again. Thank you for all you have done for me when I was young. I hope that one day we will meet again.

I miss you bunch. Take care.

Happy birthday and may all your wishes come true.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Happy birthday to your friend mamilu.. true friend are rare.

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