Saturday, March 30, 2013

Great Helper: Deals and Discounts

Year 2012 was a roller coaster ride for us financially.  But I can't help but be thankful for 2012 was full of blessings for our family.

The highlights of our 2012 were the following: We went to Philippines for a vacation; I got sick and hospitalized for almost a week; We bought a house; Our daughter had dental surgery; and few car troubles.

With the above mentioned highlights, you can just imagine how much money we needed.  Out of country vacations are expensive though we saved for it.  What we were not ready was the hospital bills that incurred during my hospitalization.  The bills that kept on coming was disappointing yet I was glad to have my health back.  Then my daughter's dental surgery came and our out of pocket expenses is more than we expected.  Despite all those, we are still blessed as we finally owned a home.  A dream that came true.  Buying and moving to our new place requires us to spend money.  We needed new things for our new house.  We needed to pay some necessary bills during the process of owning our home too.

We were financially struggling during the second half of 2012.  We kept our self afloat with proper money management and by cutting  back on our spending.  No more buying of unnecessary things.  We bought what we needed and continued to be thrifty.

Taking advantage of those awesome deals and discounts both in store and online was our great helper.  I use Coupon Chief coupon codes when I buy little things that we need for our home online.  I clip coupons in magazines and sunday newspaper for other necessary things (like groceries and toiletries) that we need to buy.  When I bought some window treatments and other bathroom essentials I bought them at Curtain and Bath Outlet using coupons.  The deals and discounts that I took advantage of was a great help for us.

As I said it has been a roller coaster ride financially for us.  I hope that this year will be financially rewarding for us.


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