Sunday, July 17, 2011

Favorite educational show

The television set has been a god send to my husband and I. For years it has helped keep our four delightfully boisterous children entertained whilst we grab some down time and do the household chores in peace. We used to watch lots of videos and then DVDs, but once the kids had watched them once or twice they soon became bored and wanted different movies. This was becoming an expensive way to keep the little darlings quiet. So we came to the decision to get satellite tv installed.

Since it was installed we have stopped buying DVDs and going to the cinema as often, but my husband has also stopped helping me with the household chores. He now spends most of his time with the kids watching the awesome television programs. They watch the Deadliest Catch on the Discovery channel on The size of the deep sea crabs are utterly amazing. The kids watch transfixed as the crates are brought up from the bottom of the sea full of massive crabs. We like to watch the Deadliest Catch so much that we went along to the local museum where they had a small display of the giant crabs that we see on the program, to see these creatures close up is amazing.

Written by Otis Norton


Chubskulit Rose said...

I love watching deadliest catch too before.

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